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Kilometer fee replaces Euro vignette
woensdag 21 november 2018

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Kilometer fee replaces Euro vignette

From 2023, EU member states that wish to charge trucks and delivery vans for use of their road and traffic infrastructure can only do so with a kilometer fee. This proposal was accepted by the European Parliament on 25th October 2018.

The Euro Vignette (that The Netherlands continues to use) will therefore be phased out. The kilometer fee may only be based on distance, and not on time.

Caution! Even with this new ruling each country can still determine for themselves whether they implement a kilometer fee.

Extra toll

The possibility of congestion charges – extra costs for using busy roads that often experience traffic jams – is also under discussion. Vehicles that produce little or no emissions are eligible for a discount on any congestion charges that they are obliged to pay.

Peter van Dalen, member of the Transport Commission of the European Parliament, supported this proposal: “More freight should be transported by rail and canal. These are environmentally friendly methods of transport. The waterways offer great opportunities for congestion free haulage. The European Parliament is focusing on multimodal transport that has lower CO2 emissions. Above all, infrastructure usage will be taxed more fairly, based on kilometers driven and not on time.”

Caution! Kilometer charges are now only allowed to be levied per kilometer, and not on time.

Delivery vans as of 2027

The current regulations for delivery vans will apply until the end of 2027. This is limited to lightweight delivery vans. Vans of 2.4 tons or more will have to pay the kilometer fee as of 2023. 

Source: ttm.nl

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